Dharma - Merit - Meditation - Nectar - Liberation - Emptiness - Process - Awakening


in Buddhadharma

Ch'an - Zen

Philosophy & Practice

by Wim van den Dungen

Contents  SiteMap of Philosophy SiteMap of Ancient Egyptian Sapience SiteMap

"As the waves appear instantly on the ocean,
or images in a mirror or a dream,
so the mind is reflected in its own sense-fields."
Lankâvatâra Sûtra, chapter 2, IX.48.

"What can stem this valley torrent
From surging back to the Ocean Great ?"

Dôgen : Shôbôgenzô, On Ceaseless Practice.

History in India & China
First Six Patriarchs
Philosophy and Practice

Zen : Ch'an in Japan

This paper will be available in 2016.

Thanks for Reading.


© Wim van den Dungen
philo@sofiatopia.org l Acknowledgments l SiteMap l Bibliography

Mistakes are due to my own ignorance and not to the Buddhadharma.
May all who encounter the Dharma accumulate compassion & wisdom.
May sentient beings recognize their Buddha-nature and find true peace.



initiated : 01 X 2014 - last update : 05 XI 2014 - version n°1